Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cranberry of the City

Well it seems like there are really no cranberry to be found in the environs of my suburban habitat of the city. Well the only place we could find a cranberry around here is at the super market!

Dan Michaeli

Besides the point

Anyway that is beyond the scope of our inquiry at the moment. We need to find out how to accrue our own cranberry with or without the help of the supermarket. This brings us back the question of where can we find cranberries when we live in a city?

Dan Michaeli

How do they get their cranberry anyway

Well this brings us to a puzzle. How does the super market get his cranberry? Who knows???? We would have to ask the workers of the supermarket and right now I'm on the computer.

Dan Michaeli

Cranberry Market

Indeed it seems as though the accrual by the super market of the cranberry may have been achieved by paid foragers or by cranberry farming.

"Dan Michaeli"

No Cranberries

The other method of cranberry accrual is the super market, where cranberries have been known to be sold. But how did the super market manage its own cranberry accrual?

"Dan Michaeli"
Well it looks like no one wants to voice an opinion on this matter. In my opinion, I think the lack of cranberry accrual is due to living in an area without cranberries.

"Dan Michaeli"
Today I did not gather any cranberry! Are they out of season or do I live in a metropolitan area without many berries? You decide.

"Dan Michaeli"

Saturday, February 4, 2012

This blog is for those who gather cranberries. Who gather the cranberries in greater and greater quantities. Never eating more cranberries than they have collected in a single day. In other words, this blog is for cranberry accruers.

"Dan Michaeli"